Product Summary
The AGXD533AAXF0CD is a Microprocessor.
AGXD533AAXF0CD general specifications: (1)Min/Recommended/Max V core (V):1.42 / 1.5 / 1.58 ; (2)Min/Recommended/Max V I/O (V):3.14 / 3.3 / 3.46 ; (3)Min/Recommended/Max V memory (V):2.38 / 2.5 / 2.62 ; (4)Minimum/Maximum operating temperature:0 to 85℃; (5)Minimum/Typical/Maximum power dissipation (W):2.2 (Active Idle mode) / 3.29 / 5.35 ; (6)Thermal Design Power (W):3.5.
AGXD533AAXF0CD features: (1)MMX technology ; (2)Geode Castle instructions; (3)Low power features; (4)Active Idle mode; (5)Sleep mode; (6)Frequency (MHz):400; (7)Bus speed (MHz):66 (PCI interface), 133 (Memory controller) ; (8)Package:368-ball lead-free Ball Grid Array Cavity Down (EBGA)1.38” x 1.38” (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm); (9)Socket:BGA368.